
What’s New

Flex catheters

Catheter Products for Continent Ileostomy Patients

Intended for use primarily by continent ileostomy patients, including patients of K-Pouch surgery. Designed in conjunction with Cleveland-area accredited hospitals, WOC nurses, and other medical professionals.

Marlen MegaMax

Marlen Flange Xtenders™

For people with active lifestyles or anyone concerned about added security.

UltraSeal™ Hydrocolloid Barrier

Bend, Stretch, Twist, Pull. Flexible UltraSeal™ adjusts to accommodate most stomas, regardless of size and shape. Alcohol-free UltraSeal™ molds easily to fill in crevices and irregularities. The ring adheres well to both the body and the ostomy appliance, creating an ultra secure seal that prevents leakage and extends pouch wear time. UltraSeal™ removes easily, eliminating skin irritation.

Marlen Manufacturing & Development Co.
5150 Richmond Road
Bedford, Ohio 44146 
Phone: 216.292.7060
Fax: 216.292.9196
Email: info@marlenmfg.com

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