
Catheter Products for Continent Ileostomy Patients

K-Kath catheters

Marlen Manufacturing has announced the introduction of new catheter products to meet the unique needs of its customers. The catheters are intended for use primarily by continent ileostomy patients, including patients of K-Pouch surgery.

The catheters were designed in conjunction with Cleveland-area accredited hospitals, WOC nurses, and other medical professionals to ensure their effectiveness, safety, and ease of use.

“Comfort was a primary goal in the design of the catheters, the users of which depend on following a K-Pouch procedure,” said Lyle Fenton, Marlen Manufacturing Finance & Sales Manager. “The resulting product features an innovative soft new material, one-piece construction, and maximum flexibility.”

An urgent need was created for the catheters when Weber & Judd, a pharmaceutical company, discontinued the manufacture of its K-Pouch catheter products, leaving a void in the marketplace.

The 30fr (part #15285) and 34fr (part #15295) catheters are 24” in length and are priced at $38.00 each.

Marlen Manufacturing & Development Co.
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